The event!

The event!
November 14th, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday Practice

Last night, we had our first Wednesday night track practice.  We met by the picnic table and walked the half mile over to the track.  On the track, we did intervals of 30 seconds fast, then 30 seconds slow for 12 minutes.  Our coach told us to count how many steps we took in one fast 30-second interval, and then increase the number of steps during the next fast interval.  Apparently, increasing foot turnover rate is a way to go faster without exerting as much energy.

The first time, I counted 70 steps.  The next time I counted 85 and it hovered around 80 for the rest of the intervals.  Turns out, counting steps is a good way to distract your brain and body from the fact that you are actually running.

Then, we spent a few minutes performing so-called "dynamic stretches".  In my opinion, they were not dynamic or stretches, but apparently they help us strengthen muscles that are necessary for running but not strengthened enough while simply running.  First, we took 30 steps raising our heels in the back and trying to kick ourselves in the butt.  Then, we took 30 steps with high knees, then 30 steps kicking our legs out straight to the front.  Next, we shuffled sideways, and then we stood on one foot at a time for 30 seconds each.  We walked back to the picnic bench and that was it.  Easier than a 3-mile loop, I suppose, but sort of ridiculous.

Today is another solo run.  I think I'll do Heights Blvd. again, and try to go for 30 minutes.  I feel faster already.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thunder Monday

It's hard to think of a title for every post, so please don't judge my almost-rhyming attempt.  I just got back from my first solo run.  According to our training calendar, we are supposed to do "20 minutes easy".  I went out to the path on Heights Boulevard after 7 once it was cooling down.  I was planning on doing half an hour, but I heard thunder rolling in, so I stopped after 20.  It was a pretty easy workout, especially with the breeze the storm was bringing in.  I actually can't wait for next time!  Heights Blvd. is a nice place to run.  There are always people around, but not as many as at Memorial, and there are water fountains and benches along the way.  It's about 2 miles from Heights and 20th to Heights and I-10 where the trail ends, so I could do four miles to the end and back once I work up to it.

Tomorrow is a rest day (I might go to yoga though), and then we have our first "Track Practice" on Wednesday.  Apparently this is different from Saturday training because we will work on techniques for speed, pacing, and stretching instead of just running a distance.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Trainings Down

On Saturday, we had our second training. We ran the three-mile loop again (or ran/walked, in my case), and they timed us. It took me 46:25. Hopefully I will improve by the next time they time us. My new sneakers felt good. Also, a bit after the two-mile marker, I saw two of my teammates walking ahead of me, and I decided to pass them. I passed them during one of my jogging streaks and finished well ahead of them. I guess that's my little competitive streak coming out. It's probably good, though, because if it weren't for them it might have taken me 48 minutes or more. And guess what--I was hardly even sore! Today after school I'll be doing a short run on my own, probably on the treadmill.

The fundraising clinic was on Wednesday. There were different vendors there who will help you have a fundraising party to sell their product--candles, sports drinks, jewelry, make-up, whatever Southern Living at Home sells. There was even a woman there from Passion Parties, which throws sex-toy parties where you can also buy other interesting accessories. That representative assured me that they play lots of games at the parties to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

My fundraising account is doing pretty well--when a check I mailed in goes through, I will have $1,060. Hopefully I won't even need to throw a Passion Party!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Still sore, and sick...

Today was no fun. My throat still hurts a lot, so I stayed home. I went to the doctor yesterday and the rapid test said it wasn't strep, but they prescribed me an antibiotic anyway. So far, I'm not feeling that much better. My shins are still sore, and I'm frustrated that I haven't gotten to run in my new sneakers. Also, I'm bored!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Still Sore

So, I am still sore from my run/walk on Saturday! I guess this goes to show that I really need to be doing this. The front of my calves hurt the most--it is hard to pick up my feet in sandals and walk. My thighs are sore, too. I'm supposed to do a twenty minute run on my own today, but I'm really not feeling well. My throat hurts a lot, and I'm worried I might have strep. Apparently it is going around. I'm going to go to the doctor after school to get tested. Right now, I am trying to avoid swallowing and having to say anything to my students.

Fundraising is going great! I am at $1010 or 40% of my $2500 goal! Thank you to all my generous donors--I am so grateful! Hope everyone had an amazing Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Practice

I just got back from my first practice this morning. It was a little bit rough getting to the park by 6:45, but I appreciated running before it got too hot. We started out by listening to a "Mission Moment", which is when someone shares a story about the reasons they are committed to the cause.

One of the LLS staff members, Kelli, is a cancer survivor, and she shared her story. She was in her last month of law school in Austin when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma. Hearing her talk about how devastated she and her family were by the diagnosis almost made me cry. She started chemotherapy and her sister and cousin found out about Team in Training and ran a marathon in her honor. She was so inspired by seeing them and all the other Team in Training participants, and felt like they were all running for her. After six months of chemo her cancer was in remission. She joined TNT and did two events, and now she is on staff.

After that, we ran two laps around the parking lot to warm up and stretched. Then, we started off around the 3 mile loop. I thought it was pretty early, but there were lots of people out. I started off jogging, but after a while I had to walk. I decided to keep going with the intervals, and fell in with a woman named Kathy who was doing the same thing. We did our intervals together, and finished the loop jogging. Overall, it wasn't so bad. Hopefully it will start to feel even easier before the mileage goes up too much. Next week, we run 3 miles again.

Back at the picnic table where we met, there was water, gatorade, bananas, and mini bagels. We then headed over to Finish Strong Sports on Washington to learn about running shoes and apparel. I, however, had to stop at the W Grill for a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

At Finish Strong, I got a new pair of shoes--Asics Nimbus sneakers. They feel great, and they look pretty cool. We got a 15% discount for being there with Team in Training. I also got some intense moisture management socks. Apparently the cotton ones I've been wearing were just not going to cut it.

I'm excited for our Fundraising Clinic on Wednesday night. Also, tonight, my mentor Tori is having us over to brainstorm about a group fundraiser. I'm happy that I'm already at 36% ($910) thanks to all my amazing donors!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Half Marathon

After hearing from my friend Kelli about the Team in Training program, I have decided to run a half marathon with them to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'll be running the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in November. So far, I have raised $760 (30% of the $2500 required to participate), so I feel like I'm off to a good start with the monetary side of things. At a kickoff party earlier this week, I met my teammates, mentor, coaches, and honored teammate. An honored teammate is someone who has or had cancer and serves as an inspiration for the team. Ours is named Andy. He's 6 years old and he is our coach's son. His cancer (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) is in remission.

Training starts Saturday (early!) with a three-mile run in Memorial Park. That's not much compared to the thirteen miles I eventually plan to run, but it is still more than I have ever run without walking (or collapsing). However, our coach promised that HE would be the last one to finish the first run, so that none of us would have to suffer that indignity. I guess he'll be crawling behind me.

Check out this page on Andy, my honored teammate!